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10/24/2021. Buddha Nature (Poem)

Updated: Mar 18, 2023

Buddha Nature

The red-light blinking all night on Main St. The storefront’s

Plate glass window in the vast blue sky. In the garden

By the fence under the direction of the stars, or hidden

Behind the Quick Oats. With the children on the trampoline

In the green shade. Mahler on the kitchen radio and the pile

Of sodden leaves. That slant of shadows on the plaster Madonna

When the house is empty. And sometimes a bowl of sugar

Or a flash of sunlight in the spinning prism. Holding hands

And singing as the hay wagon rocks and rattles by the neighbor

Eviscerating his crappies, smoking in the rain. And the parking meter

And the motorcycle reflected in it. And the photograph of the astronaut

In space floating on his back across the sea, carrying a twig to a nest

Atop a column in the ruins. By the chain-link fence and the

Broken-down Buick in the snow staring out its windshield

Of pure consciousness.

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1 comentario

07 nov 2021

Someday your gang will understand what this means and how lucky they are to have such a loving father.

Me gusta
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